What You Should Know When Working With a Well Service

A well can be a great addition to any property looking to have a reliable source of water. However, it’s important to understand what you need to be doing when installing a well pump or having a professional install it on your property. When working with a well service, here are a few things you need to know.

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The first thing you need to do is write down all the pertinent information about you well. This can be done on the pump or control box if you have a Sharpie. Write down when it was installed, the depth at which the pump was set, as well as the name of the service and the specific technician who assisted you with the installation process.

The next thing you should do is collect all of the important documentation concerning your well and place it in a ziplock bag. This includes the owner’s manual, the receipts for the well service you work with, and any other important documentation. From here, attach it to the pump of the control box so the information can never be lost.

For more information about what you should know when working with a well service, please review the attached video.

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